Saturday, September 13, 2008

Dinner time at our house

I loooove being a mommy. There are many reasons...but really where else can you go where someone spits out the food you cooked for them and then throws it at you but still you just love them with all your heart and soul? Feeding a toddler, as many of you already know, is such a challenge sometimes. And by sometimes I mean about 3 times a day. do it and happily because you want them to be healthy and happy and you know no one else can do it better than you.
"Feeding" a toddler doesn't simply mean get the food and put it in their mouth. There is a lot that goes on to accomplish the task of getting the food from the plate to the tummy. For me these include:
  • Singing songs, lots of them.
  • Toys, toys, toys...and if that doesn't work, other household items.
  • Asking questions such as, "Haven, what color are your eyes?", "Where's daddy?", "Can you count your toes?", "What's your middle name?", "What color is this?", "Tell me about the park." "What does a cow say?"...and the list goes on.
  • And if nothing works...Elmo movies or any other kind of show that keeps their attention. Yes, I do give into this at times. I will confess that I love that Sesame Street comes on exactly during lunch time. Thank you PBS kids.

Haven's guide to eating dinner:

Step 1. Spit out the food.

Step 2. Put it on your nose. Step 3. Throw the rest on the floor.Step 4. OK. Now time to throw the sippy cup. Read, Aim... Step 5. FIRE!

Step 6. Mimic mommy. Shake your finger and say, "No, no, no!".

Step 7. Try to take your bib off...before you've actually eaten anything.


S and M said...

That's cute! Abi does about the same thing except she loves to through her drink and everything else on the floor (and take her bib off). She actually shares her food with Mady and then throws it down.

stephschmidt said...

Haven is so cute! I love the food on her nose :) Dallin has always been such a thrower, so mealtimes used to be... challenging :) Before you were a mom, did you have any idea how difficult feeding a toddler could be??

Brandi said...

My kids did that when they were little. I miss watching them do that and then some days I don't. I don't miss picking up the mess either. Haven is such a cutie!!

Missy said...

What a cute post!! And true too!

Just Us said...

Jessica, this is seriously one of the funniest and most creative posts I've read in a long time! Hilarious! Maybe it's so funny to me because Maddy does the same thing, but I never thought to try and take pictures of the sequence. Thank you for the laughs lol!